10 Holiday Stress Tips for Managing Anxiety This Season

Somewhere along the way of holiday preps, all the pressure and responsibility sets in, and we start to feel the stress that this time of year can bring.

There are ways to help handle holiday stress. Here are some holiday stress tips that you can use.

Try not to spend over the amount you’ve set, in advance. There’s no need to max out your credit cards.

Plan your spending budget in advance

Acknowledge your emotions, acknowledge now’s the moment to sit back, relax and appreciate the holiday cheer.

Acknowledge your feelings

There IS such a thing as too much ‘togetherness’ during the perfect holiday. Therefore, setting boundaries is more important than ever.

Set boundaries

If you don’t want to feel like a balloon on New Year’s Eve, it’s important to set boundaries in terms of food and alcohol consumption.

Maintain healthy habits

Staying alone for a couple of minutes is a great way to decompress and appreciate even more the holly jolly atmosphere after that.

Make time for yourself

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